How I successfully work from home
My tips to help you get to grips with life working from home
Working from home isn’t new to me as the team I work within work from home 3 days a week as standard practice, so going from 3 days to 5 days a week working from home hasn’t been a massive transition during this pandemic.
In fact, I’ve embraced it quite well and found I haven’t missed going into the office. I believe this has mainly been due to the increased use of Microsoft Teams which enables us as a team to video call regularly to keep up to date on projects as well as how we are doing personally. These calls between us all have definitely kept moral up.
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, a lot more people have been forced into working from home so I thought I’d share some tips from my own experience which I hope might help you tackle working from home life.
- Have a dedicated area for working. It would further help if this place isn’t in an area of the house a lot of people go into as that is extra distraction you have to handle.
- If you can’t work in absolute silence have some quiet background noise, whether it’s music, a podcast or a TV show (as long as you can zone out from it).
- If possible, remove anything that could be a possible distraction. If you know something is 100% going to be a huge distraction to you while working and you can remove it from your working area, do it.
- Take regular breaks. Stepping away from your designated working area even for a couple of minutes can help clear the mind.
- Take each day as it comes. Some days you just aren’t going to be as productive than others which is okay. Just do your best each day, and you’ll be surprised with how much work you can do from the comfort of your own home.
I hope these prove to be useful, and help you get to grips with life working from home. If working from home isn’t new for you too and you have some tips of your own please share them in the comments below.